St. Monica Catholic School - Faith Family, Academics, and Service


Preparing Students for Tomorrow's World

St. Monica Catholic School (SMS) prepares students for tomorrow's world. Our faculty makes this possible by fostering a love of learning in our students. It starts with a well-balanced curriculum that focuses on molding students to their full potential. We make sure the class content fits within our Catholic faith, learning objectives, and the reality our students will encounter. SMS faculty makes learning a fun experience.

SMS employs a wide range of resources to support academic growth and development for all learners. IXL is one tool. Coupled with a student's NWEA assessment results, IXL activities are aligned with a student's individual academic needs.

Grading Scale

O – Outstanding          S – Satisfactory           U – Unsatisfactory

 A = 93% – 100%      B = 85% – 92%     C = 76% – 84%     D = 70% – 75%      F = 69% or below     I = Incomplete

Individualized Instruction

At SMS, it is important for learning to be engaging and relevant. All children learn in different ways. Whether students are working individually or collaborating in a group, the learning process should be meaningful and enjoyable. We incorporate formative and summative assessments in order to ensure we are on track.


Kindergarten through 8th grade students are assessed several times throughout the school year to help teachers individualize instruction to ensure that all students meet or exceed their academic goals. Several tests are used to measure academic achievement. One of these assessment tools includes the Northwest Evaluation Association’s (NWEA) MAP testing for reading and math.

From these assessments, teachers design classroom instruction so that each student is challenged to his or her highest potential in a loving, safe environment. The teachers also understand that each child learns through different instructional models. The data provided by these various assessments is then used to create each student's Individual Academic Plan (IAP).

Academic Support

SMS provides academic support for students with special needs and various learning styles. The educationally diverse community of Indianapolis is embraced at SMS. Please contact Kelly Young at in Support Services for more information.

High Ability & Honors

St. Monica Catholic School aims to offer a comprehensive high ability and honors program that supports students' spiritual, social-emotional, and cultural needs while bringing out the genius in every child. CLICK HERE for our High Ability & Honors Guidebook in English for more details. CLICK HERE for our High Ability & Honors Guidebook in Spanish for more details. 


We are licensed and accredited with the State of Indiana. CLICK HERE for our school's data on the IDOE GPS site. Some data is still unavaiable and some data may be errorneous as they work out synch sytem. Contact the office for questions regarding the data. 

Continuous Learning Plan

We developed a continuous learning plan that outlines the expectations and support while engaged in eLearning.  CLICK HERE for our current plan that is reviewed and updated as needed to determine effectiveness. Thank you for the opportunity to serve your families.

Amygdala Reset Room

The most amazing Sensory processing tool run by our full time Sensory Integration Coach - Mrs. Buckner.
The mission of the Amygdala Reset room is:
  • To reset the brain and return the student ready to learn and set them up for success
  • To form a caring, calming, predictable relationship with all students in a safe and predictable space
  • To assist all students with Trauma, Sensory needs, Anxiety and Emotional needs
  • To be Pro-Active and to be available when a need arises.
  • To develop life long Sensory Strategies or Tools to assist the student to succeed.
Mrs. Buckner coordinates students' needs with administration, teachers, social emotional learning coach, social worker and instructional assistants.
We are constantly asking, "What is behind the Behavior?". We also coordinates sensory processing strategies and tools in the classroom.

Accelerated Learning

A licensed teacher develops individual plans of support to continue to challenge students that have demonstrated the need for expanded depth and breadth of various subjects. We also layer math and language arts curriculum starting in 5th grade. We offer Honors Algebra 1, Honors Geometry, Honors Algebra 2, and High School Biology for students that demonstrate a readiness in those areas. Please contact Kelly Young at in Support Services for more information.

English Language Learners

We offer a range of interventions for students that are not native English speakers. Using a WIDA Assessment Tool, we are able to evaluate and track the progress of English language proficiency and apply supports in related areas.  Please contact Mrs. Exline at in Support Services for more information. 

Disability Awareness

Welcoming children of all abilities requires ongoing education for SMS faculty and students. In partnership with the Joseph Maley Foundation, we provide our students with grade level activities that promote positive social/emotional interactions. Some of these activities include Disabilities Awareness Week, We Step Up Leadership Retreat, Service Day, and Puppet Troupe.

Parent Testimonial

"There are several reasons why we have chosen to send our children to St. Monica for the past 14 years. Two of those reasons are the outstanding support our kids have received from the Resource Program. Our children have been allowed to move at a pace that is challenging yet achievable to them, and they have succeeded. We also value the fact that the student body at St. Monica mirrors the world that we live in, with people of different races and economic backgrounds."

Parent Tools

Click on the following links to assist students of all abilities:

Cornell Note Taking
Editing Checklist 1
Editing Checklist 2
Following Directions Tips (Attention Issues)
Organizational Strategies
Parent Tips
Spider Diagram
Study Skills
Test Anxiety Article
Test Anxiety Tips
Venn Diagram


  • Art Production
  • Exploration with a Variety of Media
  • Art Appreciation
  • Art History
  • Ceramics Enrichment
  • Participation in Local Art Contests 

CLICK HERE to explore our Art curriculum overview by grade level.


  • Christmas and Spring Performances
  • School Pep Rallies and Special Events
  • 5th Grade Participates in Band
  • 6th through 8th Grades Participate in Band or Choir Elective
  • Opportunities to Perform with the Cardinal Ritter High School Band 

CLICK HERE to explore our Band curriculum overview.

  • Weekly Visits (to check out books of interest)
  • Two-room Layout (for easy reader section, fiction, chapter books, biographies, and much more)
  • Volunteer Librarian (to assist students will book selection, read-alouds, and teacher support)
  • Scholastic Book Sales, Reading Challenges and Motivation to Become a Life-long Reader


  • All School Christmas and Spring Concerts
  • Member of the ISSMA
  • Rhythm, Vocal, Instrumental
  • Mass Choir
  • Special Events

Physical Education


Pre-K 3s through Kindergarten


  • Students must be ages 3 and 4 by August 1.
  • Students must be potty-trained.
  • Monday through Friday from 7:45 AM to 3 PM.
  • Early Morning Care available starting at 7:30 AM in the classroom.
  • Extended Care available 3 PM to 5:30 PM (for a fee).
  • Maximum of 16 students per classroom.
  • Full-time instructional assistant.

PreK Curriculum Highlights:

  • Math: collect and organize data; counting and 1-1 correspondence; compare objects based on length and weight; represent addition and subtraction with objects.
  • Pre-reading: letter recognition; recognize and produce rhymes; sound recognition; phoneme blending.
  • Science: hands on experimentation; participation in school-wide vegetable garden.
  • Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears.
  • Religion: Our Sunday Visitor; Saint of the Week; Advent and Lenten prayer services; Mardi Gras parade.
  • Weekly classes including Art, Music, Physical Education, Library, and Computer Lab.
  • Christmas Concert.
  • Spring Tea and Donut Day.
  • IXL computer-based math/language arts program.
  • Nursery Rhymes A-Z.

SMS appreciates all learning styles; our faith and relationship to God are essential in our teaching.


All children learn differently. SMS Kindergarten teachers take the time to assess the learning abilities of each child so each individual student can reach his or her full potential. Each child works at the highest ability with individualized programs and activities. SMS Kindergarten classrooms feature a hands-on approach to learning.

  • Individualized instruction.
  • Daily Religion and Prayer.
  • Full-time assistant.
  • Computers and iPads.
  • Daily Specials including Art, Music, Physical Education, Library, and Computer Lab.
  • Weekly Mass.
  • Maximum of 20 students per classroom.
  • Spanish program.

Kindergarten Curriculum Highlights:

  • Math Shelf computer-based math program.
  • Raz-Kids: Individualized online reading program.
  • HMH Literacy Program, as well as Orton Gillingham.
  • computer basics program.
  • Study Trips, including Moore Road Farm and Children's Museum.
  • Cardinal Ritter Trick-or-Treat and 100 Day Celebration.
  • 8th grade buddies.

1st through 6th Grades

St. Monica Catholic School (SMS) emphasizes academic excellence, faith formation, and global awareness. We take pride in teaching to the child and not to the test. We go above and beyond teaching the state standards to include Art, Physical Education, Music, outdoor lab spaces, and service learning activities.

1st and 2nd Grades

Curriculum Highlights:

  • HMH Literacy Program as well as Orton Gillingham.
  • Writer's Workshop.
  • Lifescience.
  • Our Sunday Visitor Alive in Christ.
  • Poetry units.
  • Study the seasons of the Church.

Classroom  Highlights:

  • Weekly science lab activities.
  • Quarterly field trips.
  • Expanded units of study.
  • Service opportunities.
  • Weekly Mass attendance and regular classroom prayer.
  • Develop both academic and religion goals.

Sacramental Preparation:

In 2nd Grade, all students will go through a comprehensive religious education program to prepare to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. The program includes two (2) parish-wide retreats, and daily religion lessons.

3rd though 6th Grades

We strive to achieve academic excellence, accommodating individual learning styles, to enable every student to achieve his/her fullest potential.

  • Educational instruction based on Indiana State Standards
  • Technology-supported Math and Language Arts curriculum:
    • Newline Technology
    • Achieve 3000
  • Enriching experiences and study trips:
    • Indiana State Museum
    • Indiana State House
    • Marion County Public Library
    • Holy Family Shelter
    • Conner Prairie
    • Clowes Hall
    • Indianapolis 500 Education Program
    • Eiteijorg Museum
    • Junior Achievement BizTown
  • Guided, hands-on science experiences through our Delta-FOSS Curriculum.
  • Oral recitation, book reports, and multi-media projects.

Curriculum Highlights:

  • Heritage Day.
  • Introduction to and continuation of cursive writing.
  • Fact fluency.
  • Rosary-making.
  • Daily Five reading approach.
  • Reader’s Theater and poetry presentations.
  • Mini-economy store experience.
  • Weekly Masses; prayer circles.
  • Art, Music, Physical Education, Band (in 5th grade).
  • Differentiated language and math daily review. 


As members of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, we are called to faith and salvation in Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition. We strive to live the Gospel by:

  • Worshipping God in word and sacrament.
  • Learning, teaching, and sharing our faith.
  • Serving human needs.

We focus on the dignity and value of all human life as learned through the Beatitudes and Ten Commandments. As a school community, we are committed to developing an understanding of the Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching.


We are committed to guiding students to develop lifelong skills such as communicating effectively with others and building strong, caring, Christian relationships.

Community circles are used to build relationships with our peers and solve problems and conflicts that arise. This gives students the opportunity to develop positive communication skills as well as effective problem-solving skills that will be utilized well beyond our 4th grade classrooms.

7th and 8th Grades

Junior High Highlights:

  • Catholic Identity: Retreats; Prayer in Class; Weekly Masses
  • Service Opportunities, including our Food Pantry and Million Meal Marathon
  • Mission Work with our Sister Parish in Honduras
  • Dramatic Interpretation of "The Passion"
  • National Junior Honor Society (more details at bottom of page)
  • Joseph Maley Foundation Puppet Troupe
  • Technology Opportunities and 1:1 Device Program
  • Leadership Opportunities (to assist the school)
  • Language Arts: Research Projects with Presentation Requirements; Book Clubs;
    Multi-genre Research Projects
  • Various Research Opportunities
  • Hands on Lab-Aides Science Curriculum
  • Leadership Development - Challenge Course at Camp Rancho Framasa
  • Individualized Schedules to Support Language Arts and Math Layers
  • High School Credits in Honors Algebra 1 and Honors Algebra 2 (available for qualifying students)
  • Band or choir
  • Live Theatre Viewing Opportunities through Field Trips to Indiana Repertory Theatre (IRT)
  • Preparing, Anchoring and Broadcasting SMS Live News Program
  • After-school Theatre Program
  • West Deanery Academic Competitions
  • CYO Athletics

sprcmb03zh73um14zk9fhtkfcjl.jpgTo participate in the National Junior Honor Society at SMS, you must:

  • Be a 7th or 8th Grade Student
  • Achieve and Maintain a GPA of at Least 3.5 on a 4.0 Scale
  • Have a Behavior Grade of B or Higher for All Marking Periods
  • Attend All Meetings and Participate in All Fundraisers, Service Projects, and Events
  • Complete the Application Process, Including 10 Hours of Service During Summer Break of Your Induction Year
  • Complete 30 Hours of Service Each Year You Participate in the Program

Jr High School Links:

Transfer Google Drive Ownership 

Resources to Help SMS Eagles Soar into High School and College

High School Checklist

Click here to begin your high school checklist!

High School Shadow Days

SMS promotes two (2) excused high school shadow days per year; click here to access the shadow form and directions.

Catholic High Schools

Click here for a list of and information about all Catholic High Schools within the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

Cardinal Ritter High School


Cardinal Ritter is a Catholic high school entrusted by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the parishes of the West Deanery to provide, within a college preparatory curriculum, the highest standards of academic excellence to students of diverse socio-economic, racial and religious backgrounds. Cardinal Ritter challenges its students to grow spiritually, intellectually, athletically, and artistically. The Cardinal Ritter community values and fosters the unique intellectual, cultural, social, and physical gifts of each student. As followers of Christ, Cardinal Ritter High School encourages students to share their gifts and talents in service to others.

Spending a day with students at Cardinal Ritter High School is a great way for interested students to get a first-hand, day-long experience on the campus. The "Raider for a Day" program runs throughout the school year, by appointment. Prospective students will be hosted throughout the day by a current Cardinal Ritter student who is qualified to speak on the various aspects and programs at Cardinal Ritter. To sign up to be a “Raider for a Day,” please contact Director of Admissions 317-924-4333.

Providence Cristo Rey

CLICK HERE to find out more information about Fall events at Providence Cristo Rey. CLICK HERE for the open house information. Please go to to apply.

Herron High School

CLICK HERE for enrollment information.

Cathedral High School

Applications for the Class of 2028 are open. Please go to to begin.

8th Grade Scholarships will be emailed to students when applicable.

Click on an Indiana Catholic College Emblem Below to Connect to its Website

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Check Out the Resources Below for College Prep Info

SAT Test Registration

ACT Test Registration

College Cost Estimator

Online College Guide

Online Vocational & Trade Schools

Online Financial Aide

College Scholarships for Catholics

College Affordability Guide

Integrated Technology and Digital Literacy

  • Digital Literacy Curriculum, including Coding
  • Stationary Instructional Labs
  • Junior High 1:1 Device (supplied by school)
  • Every Classroom Utilizes Newline Monitors
  • Learning Management Systems in 5th through 8th Grades
  • All Students Above 4th Grade Have School Email and Virtual Drives

