St. Monica Catholic School - Faith Family, Academics, and Service

Browsing St. Monica School News You Can Use

Confirmation, Summer Camps, and Conferences

Confirmation parent meeting for Tuesday is canceled.

Thursday - Out of Uniform

Thursday is St. Patrick's Day. Students may wear green instead of uniforms to celebrate. 1st-5th grade will have a short convo in the gym to watch Irish Dancers.

Vex Robotics Team

Congratulations to our Vex Robotics team 51186B for qualifying for the 2022 Vex Robotics World Championship!


CLICK HERE to register your family for next year and secure your child’s spot. 

Summer Camp

CLICK HERE to register for the SMS and The STEM Connection Summer Camp: Earth's Superheroes

  • What: Humans impact Earth’s air, life, land, and water. Become an Earth Superhero as you learn about ways you can protect Earth’s atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere.
  • When: June 20-23, 2022, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm each day. 
  • Where: Moore Road Farm - 8407 Moore Road, Indianapolis, IN 46278.
  • Who: Incoming K-5th grade SMS students
  • Other: Students bring their own lunch and water bottle. The STEM Connection provides a morning snack and fresh water for refills.  
  • Cost: $25.00 per camper.  The discounted rate for this camp is available due to funding from SMS. 

CLICK HERE to register for Saber Camp July 11-15 at St. Monica. Learn Basic sword manipulation, saber twirling, basic saber flow and trick. Battle your friends. Space is limited. 

CLICK HERE to register for Karate Camp June 13-17 at St. Monica. Students begin as white belts and progress through the belt ranks. Continuing students will work on their new rank material for their next belt.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

All parent teacher conferences will be scheduled through your child's teacher. These conferences will be held by phone, in-person, or google meet. Conferences can be scheduled between now and March 25th following individual teacher schedules. If you would like to meet with your child's teacher please respond to her/his request to meet. You should hear from your child's teacher this week.



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