DECEMBER 20th – 1:00 dismissal – NO AFTERCARE
Have A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
January 6th – School Resumes
January 8th – After School Achievers Resumes
NEW DATE – Christmas Concert
Our Christmas Concert has been rescheduled for January 14th at 6:30pm. Please mark your calendars for this 1st-8th grade event.
Staff Gifts Cards for Christmas Party
We are collecting gift cards again this year. If you want to donate, please drop them off in the office. You can claim 1 service hour for every $10 donated. Let’s show our staff how much we appreciate them. Our Party is on January 10th.
Wellness News
CLICK HERE for tips on a healthy Advent and Christmas Break
Parents – Vaping?
CLICK HERE to find out what you need to know about your child and vaping. You are encouraged to join us in the cafeteria on January 13th at 7pm to hear from a representative of The Department of Health on youth and Vaping. This is a night for adults only. You can claim 2 service hours for this event. Babysitting will be available for free.
End of Year Giving
Please consider support our school financial assistance with a donation to an SGO. CLICK HERE for a short video to explain the benefits. CLICK HERE for the giving link. Please choose St. Monica School as the recipient of your gift. Thank you for your time.
Sign up Today for Every Day Spanish class here at SMS!
Your child will be immersed in the Spanish language through art, craft, and science projects, games, songs, and videos that will enhance their vocabulary. We will continue learning the basics, including the alphabet, numbers, colors, and shapes. Each letter of the alphabet will drive the daily vocabulary and the activity. They will learn different animals, about family, foods, action words, and more. Daily they will review the weather and greetings, and learn to ask questions!
Your child's teacher will be Jennifer Huerta, she is a native Spanish speaker.
Grades: Pre-K through 1st grades
When: 3:00 to 4:15 Mondays and Wednesdays - January 6th through May 20th
Cost: $75 per month
Snack is provided
Winter STEM Day Camps at Moore Road Farm
Join us for a day of fun hands-on, minds-on, feet-on-the-ground science, technology, engineering, and math activities at Moore Road Farm. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in a variety of STEM, art, and design activities connected to the theme for the day!
Who: Students kindergarten - 5th grade.
What: Spend the day at Moore Road Farm participating in STEM and free choice activities. We’ll go hiking, explore different ecosystems at the farm, create works of engineering and art, and more!
When: Select dates throughout the year, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm.
- Winter Break - Friday, January 3 - Winter Fun 1
- Presidents’ Day - Monday, February 17 - Winter Fun 2
Cost: $40 per participant. Please bring a sack lunch to enjoy picnic-style; we will provide a morning snack.
Registration: Online registration required:
This is a drop-off event for participant students, though non-participant family members are invited to join us for a Family Connection Coffee after drop-off.