St. Monica Catholic School - Faith Family, Academics, and Service

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Eagle Update November 22, 2021

I believe, at this time of Thanksgiving this week, we prepare ourselves for entering into Advent with hope. I am thankful for our dedicated staff at St. Monica. They have persevered with grace and dignity through all of the necessary changes to our school. I am thankful for all of the families that have chosen St. Monica as their child's school. Our families have chosen to value faith development and place community service as a priority in their lives. St. Monica is a truly blessed community. Thank you all for your participation. I would like to thank Mrs. Exline for her intense and unwavering development of our Social Emotional team along with the daily responsiveness to all the early morning text messages. Thank you Fr. John and Fr. Vinny for your daily interactions with our school and support of spiritual growth for our staff, students, and families. Finally, I am thankful for my wife. Gara has been a great support in developing routine and healthy living activities for our family through all of the long working nights and early morning wake up times. Remain vigilant in focusing on the positive aspects, encounters, and activities so we can continue to have hope and inspire others. May God bless you through this time. If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or something else, please call 1-800-622-4357 or CLICK HERE. We are a community and we love you.

Thanksgiving Break

No school from Novmeber 24-28.

Staff Christmas

We are collecting gift cards to provide all staff with prizes during our Christmas celebration. Please help us make this extra special for them. All gift card donations can be placed in an envelope and delivered to the school office at any time before December 6th. Thank you. 

Thanksgiving Drive

Thank you for participating in our Thanksgiving Drive. We collected enough items to fill 75 baskets for St. Vincent De Paul to feed those in need this week.


Our NJHS students and Mrs. Rogers have accepted the role of Yearbook Staff. Please take a moment to thank them.

CYO Sports News

Volleyball signups end Nov 30

Volleyball open gyms most Tuesday's from 6:30-7:30

CLICK HERE to go to the CYO webpage for more information and sign up links. 

Poinsettia Sale

The Boy Scouts are selling Poinsetta’s again this year. CLICK HERE for the order form and more information.

Parent Support

We still need substitute teachers. No experience necessary. Please email Mr. Schommer if you would like to be on the list. 



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