We recognize that schools provide more than just academic acquisition in a caring and supportive environment. For many families, schools also provide child care so adults can go to work, social emotional support for homes that are struggling, and a minimum of two meals and a snack daily for those children who may otherwise go hungry. At St.Monica we provide faith based support as well. Please know that Mass is available in person on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8AM, Saturday at 5PM, and Sunday at 8AM, 10AM, 12:30PM, 3PM, and 6PM. You and your family are welcome to join us.
When the majority of the school is digital, several aspects change in order to accommodate for screen time, small group and 1:1 instruction, meal pick up, material pick up and drop off, and teacher preparation support. Below is our St. Monica Family’s current plan. Unlike our Spring plan which was developed as we entered eLearning, this plan has been an ongoing creation since the Summer. Following our COVID-19 Operational Plan, Grading will be based on student achievement for work completed and virtual attendance in all required sessions. If you need support in understanding how to set up your home for eLearning, please contact the office at office@smsindy.org .
If you have not subscribed to our Family Calendar already, please do so today. It is on the main page of our website HERE. It is vital that you are signed up to receive our text messages. This is our primary communication as well as our emergency messaging system. Text @monicasms to 81010 to join. Directions can be found HERE.
This is not an opportunity to go on vacation, extend your holiday, or gather in large groups for parties and celebrations. Our 1st through 8th grade students can not attend school in person due to Public Health Order 35-2020 from the Health Department to minimize the spread of COVID-19 through the 2 upcoming holidays. Please observe all masking, social distancing, sanitizing, and group gathering recommendations. If the COVID-19 positivity rate does not go down over the next 6 weeks, we may not be able to go back to in-person learning on January 19th. It is up to you as individuals to stop the rapid spread of COVID-19. The safety of our community is our responsibility.
Family Plan
School Schedule
- Our family calendar will continue to be the best source for updates CLICK HERE to view and subscribe.
- November 23rd is attendance practice at 9AM for 1st-8th grade. No academics will be taught and no in-person classes will be held. Preschool and Kindergarten will not need to participate on the 23rd.
- No School November 24-27 for Thanksgiving Break (Extended 1 day)
- No School December 21-January 4 Christmas Break (Extended 1 day)
- School Office will be open from 8:30-2:45 on school days to serve you office@smsindy.org
- There is a revised school schedule for all grade levels. The PK-8th grade schedule is to maximize screen time direct instruction. Independent completion of work outside the designated class time is required and will be graded.
- PK 3’s will attend google meet classes from 9am-10:45AM & 12:00PM-1:00PM
- PK 4’s will attend google meet classes from 9am-10:45AM & 1:00PM-2:30PM
- K will attend google meet classes from 9am-11:00AM & 12:30PM-2:30PM
- 1st and 2nd grades will attend google meet classes from 9AM-11:35AM
- 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will attend google meet classes from 9AM-12PM
- Middle School will attend classes from 9AM-12:50PM
- Specials schedule will be provided in addition to the above core class times
- All students 1st-8th grade should connect with their teacher at 7:55AM on Mass days to attend Mass digitally as a class
- Middle school attends Mass virtually on Mondays at 8AM
- 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades attend Mass virtually on Wednesdays at 8AM
- 1st and 2nd grades attend Mass virtually on Fridays at 8AM
- This is not an opportunity for extended holidays or vacations. Classes will not be recorded for later viewing. Teachers will not be tasked with additional work at this time. Permission for a parent prearranged absences will not be granted until further notice.
- All students must be in uniform with cameras on and microphones muted until needing to respond.
- All students should remain in front of the camera at all times so the teacher can see them. The teacher needs to see student reactions to determine comprehension of content and directions just like the classroom setting.
- Find a space in your living area with minimal distraction. Bedrooms and bathrooms are not appropriate spaces for eLearning.
- Google Meet attendance is mandatory for all classes.
- Teacher office hours are for small groups, 1:1, reteaching, etc. Your child may be required to attend google meet classes during this timeframe.
- Attendance test log in November 23rd at 9AM. This is not an academic day. It is the test log in to ensure all students and teachers can connect and current eLearners can pick up additional materials from 3-5:30PM.
Material Pick up and Drop off
- All materials are picked up at door 14 (Back Gym Door in East lot)
- Material pick up from 5-7PM on December 8
- Material drop off from 8:30am-noon on December 18
- Material pickup from 8:30-noon on January 5
- Additional Material pick up and drop off times may be added if the Health Department mandate is extended.
Family Responsibilities
- Students are required to follow the dress code during live instruction.
- Attendance is expected following the family handbook.
- Students will log in to Google Classroom and attend Google Meetings.
- Students will stay on Google Meet (camera on microphone off unless time to participate) for the duration of the designated meeting time.
- Grades will be assigned using the current classroom grading scale per the student handbook.
- Parents and students will communicate with the classroom teacher to clarify assignments or answer questions.
- Families are required to pick up and drop off all necessary materials following the direction of their teachers.
- Website
- Weekly Newsletters
- Daily Prayer and Pledge live on Facebook @SMSchoolIndy
- Public addresses on occasion live on Facebook @SMSchoolIndy
- Text messaging
- Harmony emails
Meal Distribution
- All students qualify for free meals this year
- Starts November 30th
- Monday-Friday 2 meals per student per day
- Saturday 4 meals per student for the weekend
- Pick up at gym door 15
- Pick time is 10AM
- Ms. Diaz j.diaz@smsindy.org and Mrs. Boyll a.boyll@smsindy.org
- Provide 1:1 google meets to support student needs
- Parent/family consultation
- Weekly support content in our newsletter
- School supply needs
- Weekly grade level check-in’s
- referrals to outside community agencies (mental health, medical, food, clothing)
Academic Support
Support will be provided in several ways to include:
- Scheduled google meet small group sessions with our support services team
- Alternate programming in Edgenuity, Achieve 3000, Raz-Kids, Xtra Math, etc
- Continued accelerated classes scheduled with Mrs. Goldsberry
- Continued ENL classes scheduled with Ms. Wowk and Mrs. Surina
If you have questions about your child's academic support please contact Mrs. Exline at c.exline@smsindy.org .
Special Events
We will announce special events using our newsletter and text messaging system. These events will include Advent activities, out of uniform days, and a Christmas home decoration contest. Please read what is sent so that your family is able to participate. We will still have opportunities to engage socially while remaining safe and responsible.
Preschool and Kindergarten
- Drop off is at door 4 from 8:30-9AM.
- Students will be provided breakfast and lunch.
- Pick up is at 3PM in the East lot only.
- Aftercare for preschool and Kindergarten students is available until 5:30PM for $10/day per child. Pick up is at the main entrance following normal procedures.
- eLearners will have an altered schedule
- Preschool 3’s is 9AM-10:45AM and 12-1PM
- Preschool 4’s is 9AM-10:45AM and 1PM-2:30PM
- Kindergarten is 9AM-11:00AM and 12:30PM-2:30PM
Thank you for taking the time to read and follow the eLearning plan for our school. We look forward to continuing to serve you through this pandemic and into the future. Your children deserve our best and we are here for them. Please keep your family safe and follow all safety protocols in Marion County.
I will continue to pray daily for your support and well-being. If you are in need of something that has not already been offered, please contact me at e.schommer@smsindy.org . This plan is enormous but we may have missed something vital to your family.
God Bless You,
Eric Schommer
St. Monica Catholic School