St. Monica Catholic School - Faith Family, Academics, and Service

Browsing St. Monica School News You Can Use

Week 2 at a glance!

Second week of school at a glance

August 20th - Giving Garden 6:30-7:30PM CLICK HERE to volunteer

August 21st - All School Mass - 9AM

August 23rd - E-Learning - School Building iand offices are closed today. Please refer to your teacher’s directions for academic requirements.

August 24th - Giving Garden 10AM-12PM CLICK HERE to volunteer

Chess After School

Join our CYO Chess Club Starting Monday, August 19th. You can register here: The cost is $100 per semester and free if on any form of public assistance like SNAP, Medicaid, etc. plus $50 CYO fee directly billed by St. Monica, and $15 for a team T-shirt. Assistance can be provided for any fees if needed, just note that on the registration form.

CYO Volunteers and Coaches

We need coaches and volunteers for all sports. No experience required. Contact to let them know you want to help. We will have a sign up sheet at the Welcome Back Bash in September.

PTO School Spirit

Sign up to volunteer and show your school spirit: CLICK HERE! No experience required.

CYO Sports

Registrations are now open for all CYO sports for the 2024-2025 school year. 

If you need help registering a student for a sport please send an email to or call 317 255 7153 ext 123.

After-care Program

Our after-care program is from 3:15 to 5:30 PM on regular days and 1:15-5:30PM on 1:00 dismissal days. The fee is $10 per child per day. Pre registration and prepayment are required. We offer snacks and homework support as well as time outside and in the gym. CLICK HERE to register. CLICK HERE to prepay or make a payment. 

Chess - Lunchtime

CLICK HERE to sign up for the lunchtime chess club. This program is great for ALL levels and is taught in a fun way! Classes during lunch and recess one day a week are being offered at St. Monica beginning August 26th through September 23rd. This is not affiliated with the after school chess team.














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