We continue our Lenten journey this week. At times, like Jesus carrying the cross, we may stumble and fall. Perhaps we did not complete our task today. Maybe we gave into temptation for something we gave up to become closer to Christ. It is time to try again. Start your task again and try to complete it. Continue to give up that thing that tempted you. Through this journey you will find growth that leads you closer to Christ. I am praying for you.
What is happening at St. Monica School?
- We have added prayer stations within the school that assist in focusing on Lent.
- Monday middle school students will receive a new specials schedule for 4th quarter
- 6th grade has an all day retreat on March 14th
- 7th Grade has an all day retreat on March 15th
- 7th & 8th grade Confirmation Meeting for parents in the church at 7PM
- Irish Dancers of Indianapolis will perform in our gym at 10AM on March 17th
- March 18th we will have a fish fry (or bake) in the cafeteria from 6-8
Text Messaging
A message went out on Thursday. It said it was from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Please reply Y to start receiving text messages from us.
CLICK HERE to register your family for next year and secure your child’s spot. We only have 4 spots left in 8th grade.
Summer Camps
CLICK HERE to register for the SMS and The STEM Connection Summer Camp: Earth's Superheroes
- What: Humans impact Earth’s air, life, land, and water. Become an Earth Superhero as you learn about ways you can protect Earth’s atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere.
- When: June 20-23, 2022, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm each day.
- Where: Moore Road Farm - 8407 Moore Road, Indianapolis, IN 46278.
- Who: Incoming K-5th grade SMS students
- Other: Students bring their own lunch and water bottle. The STEM Connection provides a morning snack and fresh water for refills.
- Cost: $25.00 per camper. The discounted rate for this camp is available due to funding from SMS.
CLICK HERE to register for Saber Camp July 11-15 at St. Monica. Learn Basic sword manipulation, saber twirling, basic saber flow and trick. Battle your friends. Space is limited.
CLICK HERE to register for Karate Camp June 13-17 at St. Monica. Students begin as white belts and progress through the belt ranks. Continuing students will work on their new rank material for their next belt.
COVID - Message from last week
We are continuing to monitor and reflect on allowed changes released by the Indiana Department of Health and the Marion County Health Department. Though many schools have moved to optional masking, we are maintaining our current protocols related to masking in order to allow opportunities for increased volunteerism and more frequent all school gatherings in the church. Our methodical and intentional actions will continue to provide our nurses and staff with useful information as we move forward. To assist us in addressing this health risk, we ask that if your family has not yet been vaccinated please consider it: https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/vaccine/ . CLICK HERE for our most recent COVID plan.